Welcome to the CNM mp3 page - here's a small sampling of our sound.
Most of these were recorded a few years ago in various rehearsals when we had a keyboardist.
Now I use synth guitar instead, so it has a better blend overall.

There are a few toward the end that i recorded by myself at home
just to learn recording techniques or try out new effects etc.
Most of those, imo, give a better idea of the tone of our current sound,
except for the crappy drums in my solo stuf :)

Zacchaeus - 2003 rehearsal recording - straight up rock song!

The Worm Redeemed - 2003 rehearsal recording - more rock&roll - kindof grungy sound

For the Silent Children - 2004 rehearsal recording - a little more metal with a nice doomy sounding synth part

A Glimpse of Dawn - 2005 solo Paul - bridge of song - guitar and piano play cadence in rounds

BloodDrive - 2004 solo Paul - this one was loads of fun to work with - has real violin by Emily Laminack

Resolve of Mortals - 2005 solo Paul - experimental industrial work with some creepy backwards masking effects

GodSpeed - 2005 solo Paul - instrumental ambient version of one of my favorite songs - most of it is done with synth guitar


all songs used by permission - (C) 2006 Chains No More

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